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Sedation Dentistry – Lancaster, TX

No More Dental Anxiety or Fear

Visiting the dentist likely isn’t on anyone’s list of their favorite things to do, but some people genuinely feel so much anxiety about dental care that they stay away from the dental office completely. Whether you have full-blown dental phobia, or you simply want to calm your nerves, we offer options for sedation dentistry in Lancaster, TX that can make your experience easier and smoother. As a result, you can expect to have a comfortable, productive appointment every time you come to Sunny Dental without any stress. If you would like to use sedation for your next appointment, give us a call today.

Anixious dental patient in need of sedation dentistry covering mouth

Why Choose Sunny Dental for Sedation Dentistry?

Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry for Children

Relaxed and happy child and dental office thanks to oral conscious sedation dentistry

Before your child's appointment, our Board-Certified pediatric dentist will prescribe medication to take at home, and by the time we're ready to start our visit, they'll feel completely at ease and able to sit comfortably in the treatment chair. Although they'll stay awake throughout the procedure, they will be in a dream-like state and likely not remember details from the appointment. What they (and you) will remember is a relaxing and hassle-free dental experience!

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Patient relaxing while breathing in nitrous oxide

Sometimes, patients just need to take the edge off their dental anxiety. Other times, patients have trouble relaxing because they have a strong gag reflex, they need more extensive dental care, or they struggle with head, neck, or jaw pain. The good news is that nitrous oxide sedation is ideal for adults and children alike! To learn more about this calming solution, you can get in touch with us or read on!

Who is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Smiling woman taking note on clipboard

Patients choose nitrous oxide for all sorts of reasons, including that it’s effective at alleviating dental-related anxiety as well as nerves stemming from the sights, sounds, and smells of the dental office. Ultimately, whether or not you’re a candidate depends on your dental and medical history, including if you have any conditions that make it difficult for you to breathe through your nose, like asthma. The best thing to do is schedule an appointment with us so we can determine the answer. If it’s “yes,” then we will schedule your next appointment, add it to your treatment plan, and give you an overview of what to expect.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Dental assistant placing nitrous oxide mask over patient's nose

Administering nitrous oxide is easy, and it doesn’t take long for it to kick in either! The first step is having you sit in the treatment chair and put a small nasal mask over your nose. Within a matter of minutes, you’ll feel content, warm, and slightly numb all over. Since you won’t be asleep, you’ll be able to respond to the verbal cues we give you and ask any questions that come up. Furthermore, we can adjust the flow of the nitrous oxide to ensure you remain perfectly comfortable every step of the way.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

Once we’ve provided the necessary care, we will let you know and switch off the nitrous oxide. As you begin to breathe in oxygen again, the effects will wear off. In fact, they are usually completely gone within a matter of minutes! Before you leave, we will provide you with any necessary aftercare instructions. Outside of that, you’ll be able to drive yourself home and go about your day as usual.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Man with questions about sedation dentistry

Are you ready for no more dental anxiety or fear while taking care of your smile? Dental sedation is an excellent option for nearly anyone who needs help feeling more comfortable in the dentist’s chair. At Sunny Dental, we’re proud to offer both nitrous oxide sedation and oral conscious sedation. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some of the most common questions we get about sedation dentistry below. If you don’t see the information you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to give us a call!


Is Sedation Dentistry a Good Choice for Me?

Sedation dentistry is routinely used to help patients of all ages overcome a variety of issues. We may recommend it if you or your child:

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

When administered by one of our highly trained and experienced dentists, sedation dentistry is a very safe and effective option. We’ll carefully review your medical history and list of medications to ensure that sedation is right for you. If you’re interested in sedation for your child, a board-certified pediatric dentist will meet with you and your little one to determine if they are a good candidate for sedation. All throughout your treatment, you (or your child) will be monitored closely so we can keep you safe and comfortable.

How Long Do the Effects of Sedation Dentistry Last?

Both nitrous oxide sedation and oral conscious sedation can help a patient feel relaxed and at-ease during their treatment. However, they each last for different amounts of time:

How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost?

There isn’t a set price for sedation dentistry because a variety of factors influence the final cost. How much and what type of sedation dentistry are two large variables that play a key role in how much these calming services will cost. Most dental insurance plans will cover a portion of the price of sedation dentistry, and we also offer an in-house savings plan and financing through CareCredit. During your consultation, we’ll review your estimate, go over all your payment options, and help you discover just how affordable sedation dentistry can be. 

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Smiling dental team member