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Teeth-Whitening: A History

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 9:10 am
Dental patient with a white smile

You might think teeth whitening as a practice only started in the last few decades. After all, people didn’t understand the relevant science before that point. However, did you know that people have been trying to whiten their teeth for thousands of years? It seems human beings have always wanted to brighten their smiles.

Here’s a summary of teeth whitening’s history, from its humble origins to its present form. Read it over and gain a new appreciation for dentistry’s long evolution!

How It Began: Egypt & Rome

It all started between four-thousand and three-thousand years ago with the ancient Egyptians and Romans.

Higher-ranked Egyptians in this era tried teeth whitening to show their social superiority. To do so, they would apply a mixture of ground pumice and white vinegar to their teeth and brush the mix with a frayed stick.

Historians later learned that ancient Romans also cared about their smile’s appearance. Shockingly enough, they used urine to keep their teeth white. The ammonia in it had bleaching properties.

How It Developed: Centuries of Trial & Error

Of course, people developed different whitening methods as times changed. Consider the following:

  • 12th Century: Physicians sometimes whitened teeth with pastes and powders, including sage and salt rub.
  • 17th Century: Barbers were known to file teeth and use a coat of nitric acid to make them whiter. Unfortunately, this process often destroys the tooth’s enamel and the tooth itself.
  • 19th Century: At this point, dental specialists noticed that hydrogen peroxide could treat gum disease and whiten teeth. They also discovered the effects of fluoride.
  • 20th Century: This was the time when dentistry indeed leaped forward. In 1918, dentists found that using a heating lamp alongside hydrogen peroxide accelerated the whitening process. It was further discovered in the 1960s that overnight peroxide soaks left teeth much whiter.

Its Current State

The developments of modern teeth-whitening appeared thirty-to-forty years ago.

In the late 1980s, dentists created a gel made of opalescence carbamide peroxide. They then made the gel into a whitener used in dental trays. To this day, it is still a widely applied teeth whitening technique.

Later, dentists began introducing photon energy techniques alongside the bleaching agents. These included special lights and lasers, also used in the present.

The desire for a beautiful smile appears to have existed as long as humans have. Talk to your dentist to see if today’s teeth whitening would be ideal for you.

About the Practice

Sunny Dental is based in Lancaster, TX. Led by Drs Duong, Kuan, Lee, and Pham, their team performs top-quality dentistry in a relaxing environment. As a family dentistry, they invite patients of all ages for a wide range of dental services. These services span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, including emergency dental services. For more information or to book an appointment, they can be reached at their website or by phone at (469)-765-8050.

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