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Beneficial Beverages: 2 Drinks that Help Fight Cavities

October 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 12:38 am
woman drinking coffee

Coffee and green tea are two of the world’s most popular beverages. They give people a comforting ritual in the morning and a much-needed break in the afternoon. The boost of caffeine is always a bonus, too. But did you know they can also help you fight cavities? Evidence has shown that both coffee and green tea have certain benefits that help to protect you from tooth decay. Your dentist in Lancaster shares how these drinks can keep your smile healthy!

How Do Coffee and Green Tea Help My Dental Health?

Isn’t it great news that your favorite beverage benefits your oral health? Even more reason to indulge in that warm cup or icy glass of delight. Here are the reasons they are good for your pearly whites:

  1. Antibacterial Properties

Black coffee or plain green tea, when consumed without milk and added sugar, both have antibacterial additives. These can help zap cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. Studies show that green tea not only removes plaque and bacteria but also lowers acid levels, helping protect and preserve your enamel. The primary antibacterial additive found in high abundance is called EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate).

  • Gum Health Promotion

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is not uncommon among adults; almost 50% of the U.S. population suffers to some degree from it. Both coffee and green tea contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to soothe gums that may be swollen due to infection. Combined with the antibacterial additives, both beverages can help significantly promote gum health.

  • Rich in Antioxidants

Besides giving an extra boost during your day, coffee and green tea are rich in antioxidants, which have been proven to help prevent cancer. In addition, they also fight gum disease, bone deterioration, and other inflammation in the mouth. The antioxidants found in green tea, known as catechins, inhibit the growth of bacteria that causes gingivitis that can break down gum tissue.

  • Improved Breath

Green tea is so high in antibacterial properties, it can outperform gum, mints, and other bacteria-killing breath savers. It works by destroying the microbes that can cause bad breath after a meal.

Protecting Your Pearly Whites

While there are many benefits for your smile while enjoying coffee and green tea, they can stain teeth if they are consumed regularly.  Both are highly acidic, which can wear away the enamel that protects your teeth. Many drink them throughout the day and put in add-ins, like sugar and milk, which are factors that increase your risk of cavities and discoloration. You can still enjoy these beverages with these helpful tips:

  • Drink your green tea and coffee plain or with sugarless sweeteners
  • Protect your enamel by drinking your tea or coffee through a straw
  • Finish your beverage within a reasonable timeframe and drink plenty of water afterward

A warm cup of green tea or coffee is a soothing and healthy ritual. With a little forethought, these beverages can even help lower your risk of tooth decay and keep your smile healthy!

About the Practice

Sunny Dental serves Lancaster and the surrounding areas under the expertise of Dr. Christopher Duong, Dr. John Kuan, Dr. Jim Lee, and Dr. Khoa Pham. Their goal is to provide top-quality dentistry to all members of your family to give everyone a smile that lasts for a lifetime! With weekend and evening hours, they make it convenient to take care of your oral health. To find out more information on how to keep your smile in great shape, contact them through their website or call (469) 747-0151.

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