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4 Helpful Tips for Your First Month with Dentures

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sunnydental @ 4:36 pm
a patient holding their dentures in Lancaster

Dentures are a tried-and-true solution when it comes to restoring compromised smiles, and if you’ve just received dentures of your own, you’re probably feeling pretty thrilled to have a beautiful and functional set of teeth once again! That said, you still might be struggling to get through the initial adjustment period for wearing dentures, which typically lasts for about a month or so. Fortunately, there are several things you can do on your own to make this process much easier and stress-free! Here are four helpful tips to consider as you become accustomed to your new smile.

Tip #1. Anticipate Discomfort Early On

Most dentists will tell you that it takes around 30 days to adjust to wearing dentures. Your gums and other soft tissues need to become used to being in constant contact with the base of your new artificial teeth, and this can cause some discomfort. It’s also possible that your dentist will need to make minor adjustments to your dentures after you’ve received them.

Tip #2. Be Extra Mindful of Your Diet

If you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment in the past, you might remember the long list of dietary restrictions and off-limit foods that accompanied your mouth gear. Similar restrictions exist for patients with dentures, and certain foods such as popcorn, caramel, and hard candies are off-limits. However, soft foods won’t put the same amount of pressure on your dentures and gums, which will allow you to adjust and heal with minimal discomfort. Consider stocking up on soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, smoothies, and more—and also avoid biting using your front teeth, opting to use your side or back teeth instead.

Tip #3. Practice Speaking with a Friend

Learning how to talk normally after receiving dentures is tricky for many patients. Not only can the dentures sometimes slip and slide around your mouth while you’re talking, but they also tend to make your mouth produce more saliva—both of which make speech more difficult. It’s usually helpful to have a friend or family member whom you can practice talking with. You might also practice reading things out loud or in front of a mirror to further refine the way you’re pronouncing sounds and syllables.

Tip #4. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

Dentures are a pretty big commitment and require a certain amount of diligent care for them to serve you well. That said, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask your dentist for help if you run into any problems or uncertainties; given that they’re the person who outfitted you with dentures, they’re certainly the best option for addressing any issues that pop up, such as if the dentures are ill-fitting or loose.

About the Practice

The team at Sunny Dental is thrilled to provide an exceptional level of care for patients and families in the Lancaster, TX community. They offer a wide range of services including preventive, cosmetic, and restorative options, as well as different types of dentures to suit various circumstances. If you have any questions about the article or would like to arrange a visit, you can contact the Sunny Dental team through their website or over the phone for further assistance: (469) 765-8050.

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